Make Online & PDF Product Catalogs for Shopify Store

Catalog Machine is a simple all-in-one software for creating and sharing Online and PDF Product Catalogs.

  • Import & update Your Shopify products and images with one button click.
  • Create professional product catalogs for Shopify in a few minutes.
  • Free PDF & HTML fully customizable catalog templates.
Product catalogs with custom templates Wholesale and retail line sheets Product Lookbooks Price List with prices and image Product Order Forms Data Sheet with product attributes and images Flexible formatting for product fields and charts Product grids and automated updates Product options list and indexes
50+ customizable templates and layouts.
Text editing, perfect fonts, image management, and design elements for your own custom content.
Review catalog templates
Online ordering and payment embedded
Include pre-built Product Order Form. Receive customer orders & payments directly from an online catalog.
Share via Social Media, on your website, email to your customers or download PDF.
Privacy levels and password protection. Embed into your site. Track statistics. Integrated online ordering system.
Create Tiered pricing to target different customers with catalogs and online stores.
Add Custom Catalogs, Pre-built Product Grids, Price Lists, and Order Forms. Reach all your customer segments.
Automate product catalogue design and management
Synchronize with Shopify, Google, HubSpot, Dropbox and many others. Integrated to Zapier. Connect with our REST API.
Professional support in creating your catalog.
Find more details in our Help Center. Contact us now with any questions. Click here to book a free demo.

Get Started with free Catalog Templates

Beauty Catalog & Price List
Beauty Catalog & Price List

Beverages Price List
Beverages Price List

Clothing 2x3 Grid Catalog
Clothing 2x3 Grid Catalog

Clothing Catalog 2x2 Grid & Price List
Clothing Catalog 2x2 Grid & Price List

Food Price List with Images
Food Price List with Images

Create your own template
Create your own template

Integration with e-commerce stores and automation tools

Build Online & PDF catalogs for your Shopify, Etsy, eBay, Magento, PrestaShop, WooCommerce stores. Automate with Zapier and boost your marketing power.

Creating PDF & online catalogs is simple with Catalog Machine

Add / import your product information and images
Use our simple catalog maker software to create, edit or import your products and images. Then quickly add them to your catalog template. Extend with custom fields/variants/options including images, prices, barcodes, market description, specifications, and more.
Create your design and content
Use catalog templates and layouts to easily display your product prices, images, and description. Create your own product catalogue design with the flexible product catalog maker software. Complete your catalog design by adding custom text, images and marketing material.
Set up Online Ordering and Online Payments
Enable orders right from your Catalog. Set up an online ordering form. Manage your inventory to enable ordering only in-stock items. You can receive order requests or accept payments from in your catalog.
Automation and security with ease
Re-import or change your products in the database with automatic update in your catalogs. Clone your catalog versions and set privacy levels up to password protection.
Share, promote and distribute
Share by email, social media as URLs, download or send as a PDF. Embed to your site quickly and cleanly to make product marketing promotion painless.
Work with your team or multiple accounts
Build and update products with your team in multi-user mode. Work as an agency with several accounts linked to your login.

How to make a catalog for Shopify Store that will sell?

Catalog creating is a global trend. Many worldwide brands and retailers use online and printed catalogs to increase sales.
To create an impressive Shopify catalog you need to answer these questions, to know how to structure and what is necessary to include:

1. What is your goal?

Finding answers to these questions, you will form an idea on how to present products, which structure of the catalog should be, and which information included is better to be included.

2. How old is your client?

Because people from different generations are making buying decisions also differently.

3. What do your stakeholders think?

Ask what does your team members, investors, merchandisers, and in-store experts think. First of all, you will receive valuable feedback. There is always something you might oversee. Secondly, you will show that you value their opinion.

Why do you want product catalog for Shopify Shop?

Printed PDF catalogs

Meet your customers expectations

As a manufacturer, wholesaler or retailer your customers may expect a product catalog in a variety of formats; online, as a PDF, and in print, in addition to your website and online or physical store.

Present your products efficiently

With the Catalog Machine app you can create a professional catalog template. No need to invest in a design agency or spending too much of your valuable time. Catalog templates can be saved, used and shared year after year to create. Update your new product selection fast. Make catalogs an efficient and productive part of your product sales and marketing.

Catalog templates can also be handy if you need to present alternatives to each customer or groups of customers.

Enjoy full flexibility

Catalog Machine allows you to work online to quickly and easily. Create or use existing product catalog templates to compliment and improve existing marketing materials. With Catalog Machine you can add or import products and create your entire product database online. Drop in your products and their specifications and produce a final, highly effective, product catalog. The software enables the creation of many alternative product catalog templates. You can combine into your final product brochure or catalog. PDF and HTML creation are fully supported. Moreover, there are options for targeted mini catalogs for specific customer groups, events or markets.

Catalog Machine last month

active catalogs
catalog products
catalog views
product orders
